Nomad + Spice Community Spotlight: Anna

As part of our commitment to creating a platform for location independent women, this section of the website is devoted to highlighting our community members. If you'd like to be featured, fill out the form here.

anna-lundberg-profile - Anna S E Lundberg.jpg

What's your name?

Anna Lundberg

How long have you been location independent?

Since 2013

Tell us a little about your business/career/project

I'm passionate about 'reimagining success' - figuring out what it is that you really want and then going out there to get it. With my business and marketing background, I focus in particular on helping people build a profitable business without sacrificing their health and relationships to do so. I coach people one on one, I run a group programme, and I also write articles and books on these topics.

Tell us about your most boast-worthy accomplishment

One of my biggest achievements was having the courage to quit my job in 2013 :-) Since then, I'm proud of staying focused, continuing to work on my business and learning every day. I'm also incredibly proud of every single person I work with who decides to take action in their own lives - this is a kind of impact that I never had in my corporate career.

What's one thing you want more people to know about what you do?

Especially when I was first starting out, people often came to me because they wanted help with branding and marketing, with the practicalities of a career transition and building a business. Now, more and more, I see people coming because they realise the importance of working out what they really want from life, getting clear on their priorities and goals across different areas and not just in career and business, and finding the right balance.

If you come with an open mind, and you take those little steps to make changes in your life, then I can guarantee that the results will be absolutely transformative - in ways that you maybe couldn't even have imagined.

What do you love most about location independent life?

100% it's the freedom and flexibility. I've gone through different phases of work then travel, work and travel, and now a little less travel. The point is that I can choose what success looks like for me and adjust this as my life evolves.

What are your biggest challenges in your business?

I have a lot of ideas and plans for what I want to do and so the biggest challenge is focus - being clear on what my priorities are right now and not getting distracted with new projects before I've finished my existing ones. I also love my work so another challenge is to make sure that I’m taking breaks and prioritising my wellbeing, remembering why I decided to start my business in the first place.

What's the most valuable thing you've taken away from your female friendships and women-led communities?

The best part about travelling, working on my own business and coaching people has been the amazing people that I've met along the way, both men and women. I think the US election and the things that are going in the world at the moment have spurred me on to step into my role as a feminist and, although I work with both men and women, I've definitely woken up to the importance of women actively supporting each other and of doing what we can to continue to address the inequalities that we still face.

Where can we find you on the internet?